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    Raimon City


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    Raimon City Empty Raimon City

    Post  Zigzagoole Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:46 pm

    "Good evening, this is Tina Tale, and this is the Six o clock news. Top story tonight, Bo Blitz, three time MMA feather weight wemons champion has been let go of the MMA due to her supposed meta transformation. Becase of no way to monster these powers in the ring, the MMA comity had to make this hard cho-" the T. V goes crashing to the floor, a young woman, very fit standing over it, breathing hrs as she pushes curly lock of white hair back behind a ram horn. "Hard choic my @$$. They been wanting to get rid of me for years." She sits down on a work out benche. "Three years... if I could make a deal with a devil to get rid of this inflection I would."

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Jet Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:09 pm

    Breaking News from Raimon City Ohio, we will be joining Diana Reve on the scene

    In the City of Raimon Ohio.... on a clear Summer's day, on a pair of rooftops, as cops surronded the showdown from below
    "Waverider.... you don't see it do you?" A man decked out in entirely in medival armor wielding a sword and shield standing on a building roof "You Metas.... all you do is cause problems, and I was just getting rid of some of them" he said "all you did there was save tomorrow's villain"
    A man wearing an aerodynamic suit with a pair of goggles and surf board in hand stood on a building across the street from his adversary "Tomorrows heroes" Waverider said "And no matter how long I stand I will stop you from your genocide of these people Duke" Waverider said, newsmen from the local news stood, flying in helocoptors watching the showdown take place
    Waverider took off, jumping on his board, controlling the wind to fly around Duke, who pulled a blade out to fight back. 

    "show me what you've got old timer!" Duke said, Waverider blasting a gust of wind, with Duke holding up his shield, the attack hitting, but the shield seemingly absorbing the attack
    "Wh...what?" Waverider said "where did you..." he started before Duke swung his sword blasting Waverider back with a gust of wind, Waverider falling back but getting control of his board 
    "It seems that Adrien Coal, also known as the Duke" a newswoman said, the superhero supervillain showdown being shown on the state news, with it also being streamed online for those who wanted to see "has created some new weapons, but our own town hero Waverider has faced much worse threats than this with the Order so this should be..." 
    Duke blasted a Gust of Wind at the Helicoptor, as it started to fall towards the cops
    "No no no!" Waverider said, blasing the coptor with a gust of wind himself, pushing the coptor onto a nearby roof
    "Got you" Duke said blasting Waverider towards him, who couldn't counter with his focus on the coptor, falling right to the Duke's feet
    Waverider tried to get up, only to be stabbed in the chest
    Duke slowly lifted his old rival up with his bear hands "Metas....." he said looking at the Camera "your heroes, your villains.... you were given your gift by God to make this world a better place. And here you are squandering the gift. If you aren't going to use your gifts to benefit this world.... then I will take them from you" he said, tossing the body of the hero off the roof to the people below.

    Edward watched these events transpire from the Hand's underground base
    "....Young Edward" a butler said "with this Raimon will be easy pickings for you and your father.." he said
    "...I get it, use it to our advantage" he said biting his nail, looking at the scene fold out on television
    "Something the wrong master?" the Butler said
    "....do you remember that girl?" Edward said
    "Glimmer Gleam sir?" The Butler responded "yes she would have been a fine enough partner for you, though her family isn't on the same level as..." he started 
    "...Duke killed her family too, probably her aswell" he said "he needs to be stopped" he said 
    "And we will do that sir" the Butler said
    "...not like this.... no.... I know how Dad works, he relies on the greater game, and Albert, well Albert just wants Chaos, so he'll let it go...." he said
    "what are you saying sir?" he asked
    "Sorry Sebesation" he said grabbing his computer, it slowly transforming into a metallic scorpion who jumped to the butler, becoming a group of handcuffs and a mouth piece, latching onto him and preventing him from moving and speaking "....I gotta do this without you all if I want to have a chance of actually doing anything about him" he said, grabbing a few of his things and leaving the hideout into the greater city streets

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Zigzagoole Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:45 pm

    Later that day

    "Oh man, I can't believe this! Duke took out the big hero!" A lowly purse snatcher said dumping the contents of his latest catch on the table with his buddies 
    "We could start to move on to bigger gigs now." Another said counting out cash from a wallet. "Ugh, always cards now!"
    The thugs keep counting there catchs, as the door is kicked in.
    "What the hell!" One shouted pulling a gun
    Like a blur, he is grabbed and tosses a tossed the room. His pals fired on the creature as she grasped another one slashing him down the chest, tossing his corpse at the last one jumping him growling
    "Please! Don't do this!" He pleaded screaming as she snapped his neck.
    The girl gets up brushing the blood off her scales. She calmly put her things back into the purse grabbing the wallet "Low life's." She muttered. She looks at the cards. "Well, seeing how you don't need the cash, I'll take it off your hands."

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Jet Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:51 pm

    "We can't afford to send a hero to Raimon" Gamma said "we are all tied up in our own place" he said "We still haven't even gotten time to mourn appropriately" he said
    "Then I'll go" Rose said moving over to the group of heroes "you all have your cities, send the sidekick in" Rose said
    "Duke and the rest of the villains there are nothing to sneeze at young lady" Gamma said
    "I know.... I do, but I can't sit back and watch as that city falls apart" she said "...so if you can't handle it, at least let me go to minimize the damage until you are ready" she said "....I have your powerset, I am no push over Gamma" she said
    "....Alright, just don't get yourself hurt... Beta" he said rubbing her head, her heading off for Raimon from the Order's Base

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Jet Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:11 pm

    Spike was in the streets, having a quick fight with another Meta
    "She's just not into you buddy" Spike said, the two being blasted into Ally by a gust of wind
    "....Metas.... brawling over a girl" Duke said, showing his face to the pair of them 
    "...It's.... it's him" Spike said, glaring, summoning his Spikes and chucking them at Duke, who blocked it with his shield, that seemed to absorb the spikes before it and the sword became spiky as well
    "Now die like the Vermin you two scum are" he said, charging in, hitting the other man in the chest killing him instantly, Spike jumping back "woo... you...are serious" he said, back against the wall
    "And you are dead" Duke said charging in, Spike making a barrier of Spikes, being pinned to the wall
    "How.... do I get out of here....." he said in a bad spot
    "You don't" Duke said, only to be blasted in the back by a ray of heat
    "....That's for Waverider" Rose said, looking at the scared Spike "Quick, help me take him in to cust..." she said, before a citizen took a table, clubbing her in the back of the head with it, as a small band of 4 or 5 ran up and took Duke away, protecting him, and pulling a taser gun out and shooting Spike with it

    In Literature's bedroom, sat a woman about 25 years old, long black hair, petite frame, very attractive laying out on his bed when he returned home "...Someone told me without Waverider around, you are one of this town's most noble heroes" she said "...is that right?"

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Zigzagoole Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:29 pm

    A teller man, thin built looks down at the girl he had home with him." "Well I'm not one to brag, but I guess you could say that." He leaned down over her starting to kiss her hand. "And who may you be?"

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Jet Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:33 pm

    "...oh right, I forgot, the whole cheating thing" she said, snapping her fingers, him regaining himself as a stranger was sitting on his bed, his lips against her neck "...I need a heroes help" she said, leaning forward, Literature able to see her wings

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Zigzagoole Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:36 pm

    "Then how may I be of survice?" He asked watching her move her wings. "And you have yet to tel me your name."

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Jet Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:40 pm

    "....Lillith" she said "I am what is known as a Succubus" she said "I take men like you and drag them into a world of sin and lust" she said "....in theory" she said "....I have a girl, roughly your age, who sort of sucks with the whole zapping your life out of you thing, but she wants to give living the life of a normal girl a try, and by normal girl.... she means hero" Lillith said stretching out "....and I need someone to keep an eye out for her" "I mean a Succubus Sidekick, wouldn't that be fun?" she said

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Zigzagoole Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:46 pm

    He looks at her. "I would like to meet her first." He said. "Cheshire, what do you think."
    "It wouldn't be the weirdest thing we done."

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Jet Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:49 pm

    "Alright..." she said leaning in, giving him a kiss, before backing away, a portal opening behind her, stepping out in a long black dress, with the back exposed, same set of wings on her, not showing off nearly as much as her, and overall not as attractive as her mother, but by no means hideous came a Succubus "hi" she said, giving him a dainty little wave "I'm... Nyx...and...I want to protect the city that man Waverider called his home" she said to him

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Zigzagoole Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:55 pm

    Litaure walked over to her. "Oliver." He took her hand kissing it softly. "I look forward to working with you."
    "Literature, there is trouble in town." The cat spike.
    "Well, you have a chance to show what you are capable of." He said rushing off to the roof.

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Jet Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:58 pm

    She nodded, holding her spellbook and flying on after him 
    "...Remember, keep yourself in check Nyxy, you are still a Succubus" she said, disappearing as the pair rushed off

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Zigzagoole Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:00 pm

    Literature throws yellow dust over him taking off into the air. "There!" He points down at where the fight was taking place. "Looks like the order sent me reinforcements."

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Jet Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:02 pm

    On the ground, knocked out were Rose and Spike laying on the ground, knocked out

    "...you recognise the pair of them?" Nyx asked

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    Post  Zigzagoole Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:05 pm

    "The girl, but only in passing." He said lading next to them.

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Jet Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:08 pm

    Nyx held out her hand, Literature could see as the book in her hand started to lose colour, along with her hand's skin tone as well, slowly turning to a pale white, the two regaining conciousness
    "....what the heck was that?" Rose asked
    "...Citizens" Spike said getting up "...You know while most hate Duke, some say he has a point" Spike said, scratching the back of his head, his eyes drifting to Nyx "Cute wings there toots" he said

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    Post  Zigzagoole Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:10 pm

    "You ok Beta?" Literature asked pushing Nyx closer to Spike.

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Jet Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:12 pm

    Nyx shook her head, helping Spike up
    "Maybe me and you could have some fun later?" Spike said, the Colour in her skin returning
    "Stop... stop right there not going to work out" Nyx said
    Beta got up "I am fine" she said "...Literature, you doing ok?" she asked "he was your mentor after all" Beta said

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Zigzagoole Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:32 pm

    "... I'm coping." Literature muttered. "This is Nyx. She my new partner. She was inspired by his works. Nyx, this is Rose." He looks at Spike. "You need major work on your approach."

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Jet Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:37 pm

    "...don't need pointers" Spike said
    "...so.. who was it" Nyx asked
    "...Duke... she took him down but some townsfolk helped him get away"

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Zigzagoole Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:40 pm

    "We need to get back to base." Literature told them. "Nyx, you did god on the first night. Maybe we will have a real challenge tomorrow."

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Jet Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:42 pm

    "...a base?" Rose said "...alright" she said taking off
    Spike watched her go "...why can all of you hero types fly it seems?" he said

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Zigzagoole Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:46 pm

    "Luck of the draw." Literature told him. "Go home citizen, and be safe." He takes off leading Toae and Nyx back to his home.

    The next morning, Bo was going for a run when she passes Spike in her two pice work out stoping to stretch at a park bench.

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    Raimon City Empty Re: Raimon City

    Post  Jet Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:49 pm

    "...your the MMA fighter aren't you?" Spike said looking at her up and down "...right?" he asked, hand on the park bench

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